Hope & Despair- Full Circle Read online

Page 4

  Noah finally spoke up, asking for Oliver’s WI-FI password. He wrote the password down on his business card, which was a sneaky way of giving Noah his phone number. While Noah was doing the dishes, Oliver programmed his phone number into Noah’s phone. It was that moment when he wished that he had taken the time to change the WIFI password to something scandalous and obscene so that he could see Noah’s response. As his X-Rated creative mind went to work, he headed into the shower.

  Before they left the house, Oliver took a look out the front window. There were still multiple news crews in front of Noah’s house; there was even one in front of Oliver’s house. He decided to make a change of plans. He was going to take the BMW because he had left it in the driveway yesterday after the property search was a bust. They had to avoid the news crews and the ‘lookie-loo’ nosy neighbors. They loaded up in the escalade in the garage. Oliver got the escalade for when he did location surveillance; he didn’t drive it much because of its colossal size. “The tinted windows will come in handy today,” he thought. Before he started the engine or opened the garage door, he looked over at Noah and said, “I want to prepare you for the crazy media swarming our sidewalks.” He pointed out the tinted windows and assured him that one could only see in if you are up against the window. He opened the garage door and half expected to be swarmed by reporters. Opening the door and finding nothing more than pavement, Oliver thought, “That is what I get for having an overactive imagination.”

  He started the SUV and backed out. As they reached the end of the block, Oliver noticed the hot news reported from Fox 31 and pointed him out to Noah. He said, “I think his name is Michael. All I know is that he has an adorable face. When he wears his glasses, it makes him look even better.” Oliver was starstruck. He shook it off as they drove down the road. Once they hit Tower Road, the silence was driving him crazy. He had a few things he wanted to talk to Noah about.

  Oliver glanced over at Noah, and he seemed so relaxed and at ease. He had his arm resting on the console. Oliver reached over and placed his hand on Noah, and said, “When I said that you now have a friend, I was serious. I know you are going through a difficult time, and I want you to know that you are not alone. I am here for you. I will not pressure you to talk. Instead, I am offering you an invitation to tell me whatever you feel comfortable sharing with me. I understand if you are hesitant because we really just met yesterday but, I am not going anywhere”. Noah acted like he didn’t know what he was talking about, So, Oliver took a moment to formulate a tactful way to tell Noah that he had undergone two panic attacks in less than 24 hours. The man woke up screaming from what seemed like a night terror. He settled on telling him, “I know it is difficult having night terrors because I had them myself, and I hoped that you could trust me to help you with the panic attacks.” Oliver’s words seemed to have a profound effect on Noah, and he figured that he just needed a few moments to speak up.

  As usual, Oliver couldn’t stand the silence, so he spoke up. “Hey, Noah, how about this? Let’s get to know each other a little better. We can take turns sharing something about ourselves. I will start.” Oliver, smiling from ear to ear and buzzing with energy told Noah “I am sure you noticed on my business card that I am a private investigator, I have been looking for commercial properties for my new agency.” Noah seemed to feed off of Oliver’s excitement, so he continued, “I was a PI in California. I had to wait a few years because I had to wait out my non-compete contract. Once I moved back to Denver, I decided it was time to make a move. I don’t know if it will be successful, but I am excited to try.”

  It was Noah’s turn, and he seemed to be thinking. Finally, he said, “I work from home. I am a graphic artist; I do social media marketing and website design. I can get you set up with a web site that has interactive multimedia. Once we establish your internet presence, we can then focus on your marketing plan.” Oliver’s mind started to wander off with Noah’s use of the word “we.” The thought of working with Noah began to excite him. “God, I’m weird, focus Oliver, damn!” he thought. It was his turn again, and they were stuck in the Denver rush hour. To be fair, traffic was congested in Denver all of the time. It was not just one hour, so he was not sure why it is called rush hour. Oliver was drawing a blank after sitting next to Noah, and his delicious scent wafting over to him, destroying his ability to think. So, he decided to switch it up. He told Noah he could ask him anything he wanted.

  Noah said, “I used to vacation in California with my family. I always wanted to stay. So, what brought you back to Denver?” Noah must have picked up on Oliver’s discomfort because he immediately followed it up with, “It’s okay; you don’t have to tell me.” Oliver said, “No, it is not a secret. It is just a reminder of the person that I used to be, and I’m not exactly proud of him.” He paused. “I was working for one of the most prestigious agencies in California. I was in a relationship with the owner. Anthony wasn’t good for me. He wanted to own and dominate me. I was treated like I was less of a person, and I started to believe it too. Our relationship ended badly. He decided that he wanted to move to New York to open another firm and be with his wife. He wanted to get me out of the way, so he tried to fire me. He underestimated me, though. He used my disability against me, and he thought I was stupid. What he didn’t know or even care to understand was that because I process information differently than others, I have to come up with creative ways to learn. I have to devise different ways to figure things out. Anthony always laughed and made fun of me because I used my calculator for everything.” Noah looked upset with all the information. Oliver did not want to be pitied or impose upon Noah in his terrible state. So, he tried to lighten the mood.

  He decided to tell Noah about his grand finale exit performance. “Anthony is probably still scratching his head wondering what in the hell happened,” Oliver chuckled to hide the mental anguish he felt when he reminisced about his time in ‘The Golden State.’ He left out the part about the money. It didn’t feel right to brag, plus it wasn’t his proudest moment. They drove in silence for a few minutes. Oliver was hoping that Noah would open up to him. Noah cleared his throat and said, “My night terrors are more like memories that come back to haunt me at night. They feel so real. It is like I am experiencing the events all over again.” Noah told him that his grandmother had a husband that hated him. He said that the abuse was terrible. He told him about the many ways in which he was hurt, how an entire pot of boiling coffee burnt him. Noah took a deep breath and blew it out. It looked like it was a relief that he was finally able to get it out and tell someone. After a few minutes of silence, Oliver was about to ask questions when Noah spoke up again, “Thinking about it today, the guy was a master at manipulation. He convinced my sisters and parents that I reached for a crayon and grabbed the cord for the coffee maker instead. The monster said that I pulled the coffee maker on myself.”

  For once, Oliver was at a loss for words. The only thing he could think to say was, “I am so sorry you had to experience that.” Oliver wanted to track that man down and give him an old fashion beat down. They were close to the police station, so Oliver focused on the road instead of relying on Google Maps. Once they pulled into the parking lot, Oliver reached over and grabbed Noah’s hand. “Noah, this is going to be difficult. The police are going to push hard to get the information they need to solve this crime. I am sure that they are considering us both as suspects. I have a video to prove our innocence. The police will want to solve this as soon as possible, and if at any time you feel like they are trying to get you to admit to the crime, you need to request a lawyer. I need you to call or text me, and I will get you taken care of.” Oliver didn’t want to frighten Noah, but he needed to be honest, and most importantly, be prepared.

  Chapter 4

  Noah Blain

  Noah sat in the tiny room, waiting for someone to come in and take his official statement. He pulled out his phone and noticed that he had a message. Assuming it was from his sister and still being irri
tated with her, ignored the text, He quickly opened his email and started deleting all of the unwanted junk emails without even opening them. He opened an email about a sale at JCPenney's. Noah knew he didn't have enough clothes because he only had what he took with him to Florida. He quickly added several items to his cart when he got another text. The name that came up on the text screen was "Mr. Hunky," and Noah immediately knew Oliver had programmed his number on the phone when he was washing the dishes. His self-proclaimed nickname made Noah smile, and he felt a little giddy.

  The first text he missed read: Hey Neighbor, how’s it hanging? Has anyone checked in with you? Making us wait is part of their process; they do it to throw you off your game. Don't cave.

  The second text read: No reply? I'm hurt, Sugar Tits. What do you want to eat for dinner? Another fun fact about me, I am always hungry and thinking about food.

  Noah had been smiling so much his face hurt. He quickly typed in his response: Mr. Hunky, is it? So appropriate, LOL. I have been in this tiny room for almost an hour; I don't mind it too much, though. I can sit here and catch up with work emails.

  Almost instantly, Oliver fired back with: Or, you could text me….and I am glad you agree that I am hunky.

  Noah replied: That sounds like fun. Has anyone been with you yet?

  Oliver: No way, Jose! I don't like small spaces, so I went to check on the hold-up. They are waiting for the new detectives. The case was reassigned so, no more Detective Ross.

  Noah: I wonder if I should worry about the change. I am good with anything for dinner, but how about I buy you dinner? You can choose the restaurant. After all, you are letting me stay with you. You saved me from paying for parking at the hotel.

  Oliver: OOOH LA LA, is that a date? I thought you'd never ask! Sugar Tits, before I came home from my search for a building, I stopped at the "King Sooper Pooper" and bought more food than I can consume in a month. I would love to cook. I have new recipes I would like to try. Plus, the lettuce is going to go bad. But it is still a date, yes?

  Noah typed and deleted his response no less than six times before he settled on the three simple words: Yes, it's a date!

  Before Noah could send another text message, the door opened, and a man stepped into the room. He was tall with the build of a hard-working farmer with wavy dark brown hair styled in a way that reminded him of an organized mess - wearing Levi's and a button-up slim-fitting short-sleeved shirt. Noah's first thought was that the Sergeant wasn't as tall as Oliver, but the guy was tall. He introduced himself as Sergeant Matthews. He apologized for the wait and explained that he had just gotten the case this morning. He wanted to review the information before he took Noah's statement.

  After a while, Sergeant Matthews nodded his head and said, "Great, let's get started." He took Noah's official statement, where he had to tell the same story for what felt like the 75th time. "Did you know any of the people in the house?" He was asked. Noah wanted to be honest, "I did not make it past the front door, so I am not sure. The door wouldn't open, so I pushed it harder." Sergeant Matthews presented some photographs. "Take a look at these and tell me if you recognize any of them." Noah was dreading that he would pull out pictures of people covered in blood. Instead, he gave him five mugshots. Noah did not find any of the people familiar.

  "Who are these people?" he asked. The Sergeant told him that they had identified the bodies in the crime scene. "All of the people have been arrested at one point or another in the past," he said. "The pictures are of the deceased." Noah's eyes started to burn, and he blinked while fighting off the urge to cry. As his tears fell, he asked, "So, there were five people in my house?" Sergeant Matthews said, "Yes, we were able to piece together all of the bodies, but we are still looking for the foot of one of the victims. I am sure it is still in your house somewhere; we will find it."

  Sergeant Matthews asked a slew of questions, and the whole time Noah couldn't help but have a sinking feeling that he was in over his head. While answering the questions as best as he could, there were a few questions that raised suspicion. He couldn't pinpoint why. Sergeant Matthews told Noah, "I know you're a graphic artist; I also know what the salary range is for that profession." He said, "Even the highest-paid graphic artist couldn't afford the house like yours. Tell me, Mr. Blain, are you a drug dealer?" Noah had the look of terror in his eyes. Thinking back to what Oliver said to him, the interrogated man was about to ask for a lawyer when Sergeant Matthews said, "Just level with me, man. Be honest. We can work with honesty. Was this a drug deal gone bad?"

  Noah started to panic, and he spiraled out of control. He kept thinking, "I'm going to jail. He thinks I'm a drug dealer" He couldn't breathe at first, and he was in the middle of a full-on, blackout inducing panic attack. Noah had someone snapping their fingers in his face.

  He was experiencing confusion, and someone was rubbing his back. They were telling Noah to breathe. He started to come around and was able to breathe a little easier. Noah focused his eyes and recognized Oliver in front of him. It was Oliver rubbing his back, and it was Oliver's voice that was coaxing him to breathe. As the embarrassment hit him again, the tears began to flow. Crying embarrassed him even further. Sergeant Matthews was agitated but passed a box of tissues to Noah. He looked at Oliver and said, "We still need to finish this. So, shall we?" Oliver asked Noah, "Are you ready to continue? I will stay with you; I promise.". Noah dried his eyes and nodded in agreement.

  Sergeant Matthews started his questioning again. This time he used a softer voice, and that started to piss Noah off, feeling like he was being spoken to as though he was a petulant ten-year-old who didn't understand the question. Noah hated it when people treated him like a child. Sergeant Matthews asked how he, a 31-year-old graphic artist, could afford to pay cash for his house.

  Noah cleared his throat. "My grandmother passed away, and I am the only person that stuck around long enough to deal with her. So, she left me everything she owned. Her last husband was wealthy, and before he could divorce her, he died. My grandmother seemed to feel guilty for what I experienced when I was younger, so she wasn't as nasty and hateful to me as she was to everyone else. My mom tried her best to live with and take care of my grandmother. But in the end, I was the only one left." Sergeant Matthews asked why my sisters or mom didn't dispute the will. He told him that his grandmother didn't live like she had money; she pinched her pennies. She lived in an old ranch house in Aurora, a suburb to the east of Denver, so no one thought she even had anything to dispute. It wasn't until he was getting ready to clean out her house that he found her will. As it turned out, grandmother was rich. She had millions.

  "I was upset because even though I had family members that were capable of helping me, they chose not to. They didn't care about my grandmother because she was a difficult person to be around. I had to arrange for her funeral, and even then, not too many people showed up.

  I read the will and discovered that she had left me everything. So, I decided they all can kiss my ass. By that point, they had all moved out of Colorado anyway. My sisters were more interested in catching up and spending time with their friends here in Denver than spending time with their weird brother and helping clean up and dispose of their grandmother's belongings."

  Sergeant Matthews asked, "Who knew about the last will in testament other than you?" He said that he didn't know. "Well, I guess the person who did the will for her?" Noah said that he didn't realize at the time, but he drove his grandmother to a lawyer in Aurora several times. Sergeant Matthews asked, "Can you provide me with the lawyer's information?" Noah told him that the information was in his safe in his house. He gave Sergeant Matthews the combination for the safe. Noah made a mental note to buy a new safe or hire a locksmith to change the combo when they are finished. Noah wondered if he could even move back into that house after seeing the blood and finding out the gruesome details. The thought alone was depressing to Noah because he had just officially met Oliver. He didn't know if he had the nerve or the ability to li
ve in that house where such a horrible murder took place.

  Chapter 5

  Oliver Thaddeus

  Oliver was sitting on cloud nine and couldn't stop smiling. Noah had asked him on a date. Okay, so it was more like Noah had asked him to choose a restaurant, and Oliver suggested that it was a date. But Noah did agree that it was a date, so that is all that mattered to him. Oliver was about to text Noah again when the door opened to the interrogation room. He looked up and in walked an old friend/enemy.

  Oliver knew him as Ray Matthews but now he goes by the fancy title 'Sergeant Matthew.'. He went to high school and college with Ray. The guy was competitive, and they almost hated each other in high school. Something happened over the summer between high school and college, and Ray decided he didn't want to live life as a prick. So, in college, they became friends. They had the same circle of friends, the same classes, and drank beer together. Ray decided to go back to his nasty ways in their last year of college. Oliver walked in on him, fucking his best friend and roommate on Oliver's bed. He remembered asking, "Why the fuck are you in my bed?" Ray said, "We are almost finished. When I'm done, I will give you a blow job for the inconvenience. Now fuck off".

  Oliver was so pissed off that he was ready to kick them both out. But then Ray called him into his room and said, "Drop your drawers because it is your turn." Oliver was excited because even though he was a prick, he was still hot, and he always fantasized about fucking him in the locker room showers at school. With his pants down around his ankles, Ray kneels in front of Oliver, closed his eyes, parted his lips, took the head of Oliver's cock in his mouth, and used his tongue to give a little swirl. To Oliver's horror, he started to laugh. He pulled his mouth off Oliver's member, stood up, and grabbed Oliver's dick with his hand. He got close to his ear and said, "Fuck Oli, your cock is too big. Plus, dude, I'm not gay. Sorry!"